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What is Phi Delta Phi?
Phi Delta Phi is an International Legal Honor Society with chapters and members located throughout the world. Phi Delta Phi is a diverse society made up of members of all races, ethnicities, genders and ages. You can read more about Phi Delta Phi and the history of the society here.
Who can become a member of Phi Delta Phi?
Phi Delta Phi consists of the International Legal Honor Society, the Pre-Law Society, and the Barrister Society.
International Legal Honor Society:
To be eligible for active membership, a law student must be of good moral character and in good academic standing at a law school in which a Student Chapter (Inn) is located. “In good academic standing” shall be defined as not less than the top 1/3 of the class or other recognized, scholastic, professional ethics or service standard in which the candidate for membership has excelled, including, but not limited to, membership on Moot Court, published journals, or service in legal clinics or community service as approved by the Council.
Pre-Law Society:
Membership in the Pre-Law Society is open to any undergraduate student in good academic standing at their college or university. Individual chapters may hold stricter membership requirement standards to be eligible for initiation in the chapter.
Barrister Society:
Barrister members are composed of alumni who were active members initiated while students in law school. Only Honorary Members invited by the local chapter would be eligible to join post-graduation.
Honorary Membership:
Honorary members shall be members of the legal profession duly elected and initiated in recognition of merit. They must be judges of courts of record, members of law faculties or others learned in the law who have become prominent in the profession and who are not at the time eligible to become Active members.
How much does it cost to join Phi Delta Phi?
Phi Delta Phi is unique from most other membership organizations in that there is no annual cost for members. All new initiates pay only a one-time new member initiation fee when joining. All initiation fees are collected in U.S. dollars and are non-refundable. Membership, once conferred, is for life.
- United States Law Student Initiation Fee = $150 USD
- European Union Law Student Initiation Fee = $95 USD
- Canadian Law Student Initiation Fee = $75 USD
- Mexican & Latin American Law Student Initiation Fee = $65 USD
- Pre-Law Student Initiation fee = $135 USD
- Honorary Membership Fee = $10 USD
Please note that Chapters have the right to collect additional local dues from their members.
When will my membership be accepted?
We thank you for your patience as we confirm your membership. Please note that all applications go into our pending queue for review.
Membership into the International Legal Honor Society is accepted upon meeting membership requirements, completion of the online application, submission of the one-time new member initiation fee, and partaking of the oath during initiation.
Membership into the Pre-Law Society is accepted upon completion of the online application and submission of the one-time new member initiation fee. Your initiating chapter may require further steps to acceptance, such as partaking in the initiation ceremony.
When does my membership expire?
Membership in Phi Delta Phi lasts a lifetime when initiated as a law student into the International Legal Honor Society. Upon graduation, Law Student Members become Barrister Members. There are no additional dues to remain a Barrister Member but we do ask that all Barrister Members renew their registration annually in order to stay up to date and active.
Membership in the Pre-Law Society expires upon graduation from your undergraduate institution. Due to the legal honor requirements set forth by the Phi Delta Phi Constitution, Pre-Law Members will need to reapply in law school in order to join the local chapter.
Where are chapters located?
Phi Delta Phi chapters are called Inns at law schools and Halls at undergraduate institutions. Inns are chartered and located at law schools throughout the world. Halls are chartered and located at undergraduate institutions, typically within the United States.
Barrister Inns are located in specific cities or regions throughout the world, charted by alumni members who reside in and are generally members of the bar in that jurisdiction.
What if there is no chapter at my school?
Please contact us if you are interested in chartering a new Inn at your law school or a Hall at your undergraduate institution.
Pre-Law Students without an established Hall at their school may also join the Pre-Law Society as an individual and still gain access to all the benefits that Phi Delta Phi has to offer to members as a whole.
What leadership opportunities are offered with Phi Delta Phi?
Each Inn and Hall is led by an Officer Board consisting of a Magister, Vice Magister, Clerk, Exchequer, Historian and a variety of chairs. Members are elected to the positions each year by their fellow chapter members.
Upon graduation, Barrister Members have the opportunity to continue leading the society through Province President positions, volunteer programs and mentor guidance.
Additionally, Phi Delta Phi Council positions are available exclusively to members with elections taking place at the General Convention.
How can I support Phi Delta Phi and its mission?
Phi Delta Phi, unlike other legal associations, does not charge annual membership dues. After paying the initial membership fee while in law school, one becomes a member for life. By contrast, bar association fees are typically quite steep and a lawyer must pay annually to maintain his or her membership.
Since 1869, Phi Delta Phi has endeavored to defend the dignity of our profession and instill respect for all lawyers, whether they be young barristers or seasoned professionals. Our mission has always been made possible through the generosity of our members and those who support our goals. Without your support, we would not have been able to advance our mission.
That is why we are asking you to donate today — whatever you can — so that Phi Delta Phi can continue to promote legal ethics and enhance the image of our profession. Won’t you share your success with our cherished and noble Society? Simply put, our future, and the future of our profession, depend on it.
Contact our team to learn more about membership opportunities and enrollment.
Ready to Become a Member?
We are excited to welcome you to Phi Delta Phi